
2020 年 6月 記事一覧

2020.06.03 アメリカ留学

This week we welcome back 3 students following the completion of their study abroad program at Saint Mary’s Catholic High School in Arizona, USA.

Since departing Japan in August, 2019, the students have been on an international adventure that included studying at our partner school in America, experiencing a new home life with their host families and learning about a new culture. Although they returned to Japan a little earlier than planned due to COVID-19, they continued their American school curriculum online, the same as their classmates at Saint Mary’s.

The students return to Nigawa Gakuin as 3rd year students, so they will be eager to make use of their experience in their final year while preparing for the next big step in their lives.

Welcome back!


アメリカ・アリゾナ州のSaint Mary’s Catholic Hish School の留学プログラムを修了した本校生3名が今週、復学します。

この3名は2019年8月に日本を出発し、ホストファミリーとの生活を通して異文化を学びながら、姉妹校に通い、海外でのかけがえのない経験をしました。新型コロナウィルスの影響のため、予定よりも少し早く帰国をしましたが、Saint Mary’sのクラスメイトとともに、現地のオンライン授業で勉強を続けました。










